Sunday, February 24, 2013

Oreo launches new ad through social media

"You can still dunk in the dark." Those few words were stated by Oreo through twitter just moments after the lights went out at this years 2013 Super Bowl. According to, this tweet caused an alarming amount of attention in a very short period of time. The phrase received thousands or retweets and facebook likes within the first hour. The tweet itself drew in much much more attention than the cookie's tv commercial itself. Oreo has been using social media as part of their advertising for a while now, and it has had a very big impact on them. By using social media, such as twitter, facebook and instagram, Oreo is tremendously expanding on their advertising by getting the consumers involved. Oreo has created contests on twitter and instagram by getting their followers to hashtag which part of the oreo they like better. They also had a special event on instagram on Valentine's Day which allowed followers to send a picture of an oreo with a special saying or image shown within the oreo filling. Oreo's use of social media is a very creative form of advertising that seems to be working very well for the company.


  1. I agree that Oreo's use of social media in a creative way has really helped improve the company. I like the fact that they took the blackout at the super bowl as an opportunity to get peoples' attention. Social media is what seems to really draw people in these days. I think that Oreo is very smart in their use of Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. If other companies used these social media sites, their audience would really increase.

  2. Oreo's new approach to their marketing is definitely beneficial to not only them, but to the consumers as well. The incorporation of social media to any marketing platform is one of the best things that a company could do in today's completely digitized world. Launching a campaign quickly, and in a realm as large as the audience of the Super Bowl, is what company's need to do in order to keep up with the constantly changing world of technological interaction.

  3. I also wrote about this. I thought that not only was the idea brilliant but proved how well functioning and on top on their audience the company is. Social media is growing everyday whether companies like it or not, and it companies like this one that are going to survive and thrive through it.

  4. I have seen many companies all over Instagram, like how Oreo is presenting themselves, with competitions on who can re-post a picture or who can like the most of their pictures. This is a common trend with clothing companies as well, to promote new products or "give away" contests. It seems to be quite efficient as I have seen many of these product advertisements on the "popular" pages of Instagram. Again though with Twitter, I find on the trending sign you often see store names or types of popular foods, which can prove to be a very beneficial promoting tactic.

  5. Interesting post- like the quick wit Oreo had, and I'm a fan of the slogan. Great use of social media.

  6. I like how Oreo used social media to get personal feedback from consumers through the form of a contest. It was a smart and creative way to see what their customers want and expect when purchasing Oreo products. Nowadays, if you want to reach the public, using tools such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook are clearly your best bet. I think the power of these social media tools will only continue to grow, as more and more companies continue to generate unique ways to promote their products and interact with their consumers.
